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  • ChatGPT on the impact of climate change on  Derwent Valley World Heritage Sites

    Author: Dave Chapman, Board Member, DDCE

    12 June 2023

    As a recent retiree and having a little more time to take the news than when I ran an SME for over 25 years, the recent upsurge in artificial intelligence(AI) caught my attention. Today I read that more and more ‘senior leaders’ from both the computing, business and political spectrums are all calling for urgent regulation of AI as there appear to be growing fears that the robots will eventually eliminate humans.

    I was in my late teens when I witnessed the birth of computers, mobile telecommunications, and the internet. Being so new it seemed too futuristic to imagine having a device on my wrist that would be a powerful personal computer and able to share live pictures with anyone in the world, instantly and in real time – let alone make and receive phone calls. That kind of stuff only happened in the movies. The early computers ‘spoke’ a different language that you needed to be a ‘boffin’ to understand and were the secret realm of the ‘geek’. Computers could think a million times faster than a human could, could retrieve complex information in the blink of an eye.
    This un-known and un-proven technology was however scary to many and there were fears that computers would eventually take peoples’ jobs. Some of this was targeted at welding robots and automated assembly machines in car manufacturing plants.

    Due to the vision of a handful of exceptionally talented people, much of the complexity of use was removed and the introduction of software like Microsoft Windows, Apple’s iPhone, Google, and electronic mail transformed computing for both industrial and personal use and with the subsequent development of applications (apps) computers and computing became the norm relatively quickly. Bringing social media into the mix from an early version of Friends Reunited that re-connected old school friends, then Facebook, twitter, Instagram and the like, the world became a very small place and became the steppingstone to an explosion in the use of social media by a younger generation. Add computer games – everything from chess to motor racing to shoot-’em-up war games and the younger generation were fully on board. Some 50 years on it is difficult to image in a world without computers and the modern generation find it near impossible to imagine how we managed without a mobile phone, the internet, and social media.

    Did computers take people’s jobs? The simple answer is yes. But they also created new jobs. They helped improve efficiency, and increased the speed at which business could be done, emails being hugely influential in this. I think back to the ‘old days’ of UK car manufacturing, where you hoped that you didn’t buy a Friday afternoon or Monday morning car as these were deemed poorer quality as assembly workers looked forward to the weekend or suffered on Monday because of it. Software facilitated endless possibilities such as desktop publishing that allowed millions of small businesses to produce in-house literature, for example. In my SME we took advantage of new technology that applied to our business as quickly as we could, understanding the cost to time benefit it brings. Early fax machines, scanners and printers come to mind, and of course, mobile phones including a car phone with a briefcase sized battery that weighed as much as a concrete block, took hours to charge and produced 10 minutes of call time!

    Computers were certainly the second industrial revolution and it has certainly been interesting to see it from the start to where it is today, although it was impossible to foresee the depth and enormity of its transformational global impact it would have back in the early 1970’s

    I wasn’t aware that AI has been developing from the earliest days of computing – its current huge publicity came as a relative surprise to me. I know robotics have been advancing and have seen how amazing the latest Boston Dynamics robots are, and how surgeons use robotic surgery from watching the raft of current medical programmes on TV. Somewhat alarmingly though, I have also seen the ‘soldier robots’ on youTube.

    I hear today that the music industry is also calling for urgent regulation because AI can duplicate a singer’s voice and create a new song in minutes, and release it, denying the true artist its royalties. Recently schools were struggling with AI produced homework submissions that can even incorporate spelling and grammar mistakes to remove the usual flawless presentation AI offers.

    So what is this chatGPT AI all about? If Elon Musk was a co-founder of its OpenAI roots but appears fearful of it now and calling for regulation, it must be significant. Co-incidentally, looking at LinkedIn recently, I see that there are now rankings for the best AI software, such as:

    ChatGPT           Solves anything
    Writesonic       Writes anything
    Midjourney      Generates art
    Replit                  Generates code
    Synthesia         Generates video
    Soundraw         Generates music
    Fliki                      Generates TikTok feeds
    Starrytars         Generates avatars
    Slides AI            Generates PPT’s
    Remini                Edits pictures
    Pictory               Edits videos
    Wordtune         Summarises notes

    I decided to take immediate action to see for myself. In my current volunteer role with Derbyshire Dales Community Energy where we are trying to use community funded rooftop solar to reduce energy costs by supplying low-cost electricity to local businesses, schools, public building and others, with no capital outlay, I am involved with some projects that need written overviews, reviews, feasibility studies etc as a pre-curser to funding applications. To summarise the reams of documents and reports into an overall overview was going to take some time. There are also some significant climate change challenges on the near horizon for our local World Heritage Site, the Derwent Valley Mills. My view on volunteering is that a volunteer’s time is a valuable asset and anything that makes their involvement more time efficient is of interest. Seemed perfect for chatGPT!

    So I signed up for chatGPT and very quickly got to the point of asking it a question. I asked, ” What are the risks to the Derwent Valley World Heritage Mills due to climate change?” Within seconds I was looking at a page of coherent text outlining risks due to flooding, erosion, extreme weather events, temperature and humidity fluctuations, landscape changes and tourism. It offered advice on preventive measures and who to involve in their implementation.

    Somewhat impressed I asked “What are the best practices for the protection of world heritage sites from the effects of climate change?” As before, within seconds I had a 10-point plan. The ‘conversation’ continued by my asking “Specifically what are the risks to Cromford Mills?” and then moved to funding, asking “What is the best source for funding to protect the Derwent Mills World Heritage Sites?” and in response to chatGPT’s reply I asked, “Of the philanthropic options, who would be the best?”. In reply chatGPT was suggesting that I research or assess various possible funders, so I turned its reply into a question and asked chat GPT to research and assess the potential sources of funding – and it did.

    The full ‘chat’ can be found here.

    From this, my first baby-steps of interaction with AI, it is clear that chatGPT AI is an extremely powerful entity that is able to understand the questions that I asked and instantly provide meaningful and accurate responses that align with the answers that I had independently arrived at through my own research and reading. It understands that its reply can raise further questions and as such you have a ‘conversation’ by simply typing your next thought or question without repeating the original subject in the question. It claims to ‘break down complex concepts into easily understandable language which can help in bridging a knowledge gap and that by democratising access to information it can empower individuals, regardless of their background or expertise, to engage actively in their topic/ project.’ It appeared that the only limit was my ability to think of another question.

    I would conclude that;

    1. chatGPT is able to understand the question exactly, and to add further questions into the same chain of questions and answers
    2. chatGPT is able to accurately and quickly retrieve information pertinent and relative to the question asked and present it in a clear and easy to read and understand format
    3. chatGPT ‘s speed of retrieval of accurate, relevant and suitable information is both impressive and overwhelming. It can reply almost faster than you can think of the next question.
    4. chatGPT provides emotionless responses, they are facts and often state in a reply “As an AI language model I don’t have a personal opinion or access to real-time information”.
    5. chat GPT reminds me of ‘Spock’ , the fictional character from the TV franchise ‘Star Trek’, known for his analytical mind and logical thinking
    6. chatGPT’s speed of accurate retrieval of relevant information and reply can be imposing, overwhelming and capable of making a human feel cognitively inferior.

    I believe that the challenge is how best to take positive advantage of AI technology for the benefit of mankind, use it’s logical prowess to offer solutions to some of the difficult questions that we currently face, and to see if it can assist in bringing balance to the world in both humanitarian and planetary terms. I feel certain that the publicly available version of chatGPT, is likely to be only the tip of the iceberg of what it is capable of, and that higher level of AI, be it chat GPT of by other developers, needs to be regulated and controlled.

    I also used chatGPT to ask about the use of chatGPT in Community Energy: the full ‘chat’ can be found here.

  • Is this the UK’s most sustainable & ethical large-scale rooftop solar installation?

    • The Big Solar Co-op and Meyer Burger are working together to transform the ethics of UK solar generation.
    • Big Solar Co-op’s first community rooftop installation is getting underway on a Shropshire food processing plant using German-made sustainable panels from Meyer Burger
    • Over £1 million raised so far from over 500 investors in Big Solar Co-op
    • Rolling share offer invites investment from £100 for 5% target annual return.

    Pioneering UK-wide community energy business the Big Solar Co-op is kicking off its first large rooftop solar installation using sustainable and more ethical high-tech solar panels made by Swiss company Meyer Burger, the first time Meyer Burger panels have been used on this scale in the UK.

    The global solar industry has been working to improve the transparency and ethics of its supply chain since China became the leading global source of polysilicon, a key material needed in the manufacture of solar PV, raising concerns about forced labour and the high carbon footprint of panel manufacture.

    Meyer Burger is a long-established European business which previously made solar manufacturing equipment for others. In 2021 they started their own solar panel production in Germany using 100% renewable energy with a substantial proportion of polysilicon sourced from Germany and South Korea. The panels are also certified free from lead and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) making them simple to recycle at the end of their life.

    Jon Hallé, co-founder, Big Solar Co-opsaid: “As champions of environmental and social justice and active participants in the solar industry, we need to both understand the supply chain issues and act on our findings. Our research brought us to Meyer Burger who are showing genuine leadership on the solar sourcing problem matched with real quantifiable progress. Meyer Burger panels combine very high quality and efficiency with a serious claim to be both the most ethical and greenest panels in the UK market. We’re proud to be pioneering their use in the UK market.”

    Scott McDaniel, Head of Sales UK & Ireland, Meyer Burger, said: “Meyer Burger is on the way to proving that we can grow a viable solar PV industry in Europe. We couldn’t be more pleased that our first UK solar installation is with the Big Solar Co-op who have a genuinely innovative approach to community owned solar, helping businesses and communities increase their energy independence.” 

    Panels are being installed on the roof of food processing plant Kerry T&N in Tenbury Wells, Shropshire. The total installation at Kerry T&N comprises approximately 750 panels with a capacity of over 300kW, equivalent to over 1 million miles driven in an EV per year. Kerry T&N is a major employer in South Staffordshire, and the reduction in operating costs resulting from the solar installation will help ensure they continue to contribute to the local economy, especially at a time when other costs are rising sharply.

    Kerry Baker, Plant Manager, Kerry T&N, said: “We’re very excited about our new rooftop solar panels which are cutting our carbon footprint as well as our energy bills, contributing to the future sustainability of the business. Working with the Big Solar Co-op has been a smooth, straightforward process and we are looking forward to a long-term productive relationship with them.”

    The Big Solar Co-op has already raised over £1 million from over 500 investors and is currently raising funds from investors to carry out more similar installations through a rolling share offer. 

    The share offer aims to pay investors a target annual return of 5%, or bank base rate + 2%, whichever is higher. The minimum investment is £100, and the maximum is £100,000. Share interest will be tax free for some shareholders under the Personal Savings Allowance scheme and shares can be passed on free of Inheritance Tax.

    Jon Hallé added: “We’ve got lots more large solar rooftops in our pipeline across the country. Investing with us helps us to unlock the huge potential of co-operatively owned solar on community and commercial rooftops, powering the way forward to a low carbon future.”

    The Big Solar Co-op is completely owned by members of the public, who either volunteer their time, invest, or both. Investor members will control 25% of votes in the Big Solar Co-op, with the remaining 75% controlled by volunteer worker members. To find out more and download a Share Offer Document please visit:

  • RCEF Funding report

    Our Phase 2 funding from the Rural Community Energy Fund came to an end in March 2023. The full report on our work can be found here.

    Executive Summary from report

    Derbyshire Dales Community Energy, a Community Benefit Society based in Matlock, has worked with support from Matlock Town Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council and Derbyshire County Council to assemble a portfolio of sites that may host community owned rooftop photovoltaic arrays. 47 sites have been considered in the process, with a final portfolio of seven sites being brought forward. Four of these are confirmed and proceeding toward installation, with a further three sites still under negotiation.

    Structural surveys and planning approvals were successfully completed out on all four sites, and a tendering process for an installer was also carried out. Grid connection applications have been submitted for two of the sites with one successfully approved by project close.

    Due to considerations of capacity in the local group and concerns about the risk and viability of the small size of the portfolio of confirmed sites, Derbyshire Dales Community Energy took the decision to develop the sites through the Big Solar Co-op. The Big Solar Co-op is a nationwide carbon-first non-profit working to install and operate PV arrays on sites across the UK.

    This had several implications for the project as initially defined: whilst there would still be local raising of share capital, these shares would be in the national co-operative. Installation and procurement would be done through the Big Solar Co-op’s pipeline, although pledges were secured to use local contractors and to develop sites for local community benefit that might not be viable if considered in isolation.

    As a result of this project, at least two community owned PV arrays will be installed in Derbyshire Dales this calendar year, with more to follow. A community energy network has been established across Derbyshire and the county and community are rapidly expanding its ambitions.