A Selection of Great Podcasts on Community Energy from a variety of people !
The Owl Hoot is run by Caroline Norbury:
”Although I saw myself as a reasonable custodian of the planet we inhabit, I realised that there is so much more I could be doing and I am very much at the beginning of my journey to become a more mindful and conscious citizen. It is my hope that this website can provide sparks of hope and action in other people’s lives too. Feeling the need to be useful, become ‘greener’ and share stories through my love of podcasting, I began searching for information and ideas. A viewing of Katharine Hayhoe’s Ted Talk recommending that the most important thing you can do to fight climate change is to talk about it, was the ignition I needed to set up this website and do just that.”
”Community energy with Andy Extance”
Regen Podcast ( by Regen hosted by Prina Sumaria)
Regen is a not-for-profit centre of energy expertise and market insight whose mission is to transform the energy system for a zero carbon future. They independent expert advice and market insight. We use our technical expertise, industry research and policy knowledge to support a range of public and private sector organisations to make the most of their clean energy opportunities.
In the latest episode of Regen’s ‘Transforming Energy’ podcast series, our local and community energy team discuss the importance of community energy in the transition to a net zero energy system, what the sector has achieved over the past decade, and its ambitions for the future.
Local Zero Podcast
Local Zero is a podcast with a key question in mind: how can local action help to tackle climate change?
Local Zero is led by three researchers from the University of Strathclyde — Dr Rebecca Ford, Dr Matt Hannon, and Fraser Stewart – who work from various perspectives at the nexus of energy, innovation and society. The podcast is produced by Bespoken Media, and funded by EnergyREV.
We the Power Podcast Powerd by Patagonia ( With Lucy Siegle)
Together, we can bring the benefits of renewable energy production home. One million European citizens are involved in today’s growing community-energy movement. By 2050, it could be more than 260 million citizens, each helping to generate up to 45 percent of the European Union’s electricity from community energy—providing local jobs, reduced energy bills, a healthier environment and a stronger social fabric.
”In this episode, we travel to the Ahr Valley in Germany, where, in summer 2021, viewers across the world watched in horror as unprecedented flood waters swept through the region. Do they go on relying on climate-destroying fossil fuels that helped to cause the disaster? Or do they dare to dream of something different? ”